The Neutral Milk Hotel show:
A synthetic flying machine rumbles overhead. Sparks fly. Time shifts. And the ghosts of World War II appear before us. It’s Neutral Milk Hotel’s indie rock triumph IN THE AEROPLANE OVER THE SEA. Up next from the Living Record Collection.
Created and Performed by Salty Brine
Directed by Max Reuben
Music Direction by Alex Thrailkill
Featuring Andrew Butler and Dante Green
Scenic and Lighting Design by Deb O
Costume Design by Kate Fry
Projection Design by Nicholas Hussong
Stage Managed by Devin McCallion Fletcher
Animations by Helen Rogers
Original arrangements by Richard Aufrichtig
Additional arrangements by Alex Thrailkill
Developed in collaboration with Rebecca Kushner
Co-produced by Renee Blinkwolt & Lucy Jackson

Photography by Da Ping Luo